More new releases, more improvements

On average we’ve been putting out new Clibu Notes releases twice a week for the past few months. These typically include a mix of new and updated capabilities along with bug fixes. See the Release Notes for full details.

As we get more people using Clibu Notes, more issues come to the surface. I’m pleased to say the turn around time to resolve a problem and release an update is typically just a couple of days.

We also proactively monitor for issues and often times the user isn’t even aware that something may not have quite worked as expected.

I’ve recently been asked whether this monitoring includes any access to users content and the answer is absolutely not. We get details of whereabouts in the code an error occurred, what may have caused it, the email address of the user and the type of device, operating system and browser being used.

We’ve also been improving and optimizing the user experience across devices. The way we use applications on Smartphones, Tablets and Desktop PCs differ considerably and we need to adapt applications to meet the needs and work within the constraints of each device.

Delivering a good user experience on Smartphones with their small screens and virtual keyboard is the most challenging and I feel we are doing a pretty well. That said we are continually looking at ways to make Clibu Notes easier to use.

To that end we’ve recently added the optional blank like toolbar: Blank line toolbar

When you have a physical keyboard it is easy to tap / to open the Slash commands menu. This is not the case with the virtual keyboard on a Smartphone, where you may need two or more taps to use / and another tap or two to return to the normal keyboard.

This is where the blank line toolbar comes to the fore, providing similar functionality as the Slash menu, without having to perform keyboard gymnastics. The blank line toolbar is enabled by default on Smartphones and can be enabled or disabled on the Settings menu.

On the topic of Smartphones we’ve worked hard at improving the usability of Clibu Notes on Apple’s iOS. Until Apply implements viewport updates when the virtual keyboard opens & closes we remain hamstrung. This has been on Apple’s list for well over a year now and hopefully we’ll see it sooner than later.

As an aside Clibu Notes works wonderfully well on Chrome on Android and also installed as a PWA. See the Clibu Notes Help for “Installation” details and “Share from other applications”.

That’s if for this post.

– Have a great week, Neville – Author of Clibu Notes