Surfulater V3.41 was released on 25 March 2011

Some things such as blogging have gotten a bit away from me of late and I am here now to somewhat belatedly let those who may have missed the automated update notification, now that Surfulater V3.41 was released back on March 25th.

V3.41.0.0 is an update to work with the latest Web Browsers from Mozilla and Microsoft, namely Firefox Version 4 and Internet Explorer Version 9. It will also work with older versions of these browsers and continues to work with Google Chrome.

My next blog post (out tomorrow) is titled “Why Google Chrome is my Web Browser of choice.”

Have a great week everyone.

4 Replies to “Surfulater V3.41 was released on 25 March 2011”

  1. Hi, Neville. It’s hard to see how anyone could have missed the 3.41 update: a box flashes on the screen each time I use Surfulater telling me that 3.41 is now available. Because of quirks in my computer that I’ve told you about, I can’t update to 3.41, and I’d be delighted to be rid of the announcement. Is there a way to turn it off?


  2. Hi Joan,
    You can stop Surfulater checking for new releases by unchecking View | “Do not ask again” messages | Prompt to check for New Surfulater Releases. Folks that do this are the ones that may not be aware of new releases.

    I hope you are able to resolve your computer quirks at some point in the future.


  3. NEWS of Firefox v4 compatibility Sounds Great 2 ME (but I must give Google Chrome a try) and I know I want to buy a copy (and hopefully Surfulater v4 is still a long way-aways?)

    Q1. Does it save files like Internet Explorer files like HTML or *.MHT (or firefox with Mozilla Archive Format add-on *.MHTML) in your own file format or as a single file (rather than a file & folder) so thaat all the webpage links are still working?

    Q2. Will the Bitsdujour coupon that I saved from 18th October 2010 still work, so I can get it at a 50% discount? [Though I’d be honest and upfront before trying it out but I’m currently between jobs, so money is tight]



    1. Hi Rad, Surfulater saves content in a database, not as lots of individual files splattered on your drive. You can save (export) articles as MHT or HTML files. BDJ coupon’s are one day specials.


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